Merry Christmas!
It's here! Finally here! My absolute favorite time of the year is here! CHRISTMAS! I love the cheesy hallmark movies, Christmas PJ's, and just all the warm fuzzy memories that comes with it. But, of course y'all know one of my favorite parts is the decorating! When I make my home feel like Christmas, all those good times, memories, and feelings come rushing back to me. There's something about looking around and seeing signs of holiday cheer that just make you feel good. With that being said, I personally feel like most people find this season the hardest to decorate for. Let's be honest, most of the Christmas decorations you find for an affordable price are just tacky. So, I want to share with you some of the ways I've brought Christmas to life in my home not only without creating an overly tacky environment, but in a way that didn't make me broke! First I wanna talk about the classic red and green. How the heck can we put this in our homes without...